
Document Category: RoCKs

  • Circular Economy in the Water Sector (FR/R0032)

    Circular Economy in the Water Sector (FR/R0032)

    The circular economy is an economic strategy based on minimising the production of waste and recycling material resources utilised in economic activity. This review describes the circular economy and how it relates to the water industry. It has been structured to explain: -why the circular economy is needed for business optimisation for UK water utilities…

  • Climate Change Impacts: River, Coastal and Urban Infrastructure (FR/R0031)

    Climate Change Impacts: River, Coastal and Urban Infrastructure (FR/R0031)

    The presence of waste plastic in the surface water environment has developed into a serious problem. It is not only unpleasant, but is a threat to sea birds, aquatic mammals, fish and ultimately to human health. The topic has captured the media and public interest. Among this avalanche of media concern, this ROCK seeks to…

  • Plastic Pollution in Rivers and Oceans (FR/R0030)

    Plastic Pollution in Rivers and Oceans (FR/R0030)

    The presence of waste plastic in the surface water environment has developed into a serious problem. It is not only unpleasant, but is a threat to sea birds, aquatic mammals, fish and ultimately to human health. The topic has captured the media and public interest. Among this avalanche of media concern, this ROCK seeks to…

  • Freshwater Pollution: Ecological Impact Assessment and Remediation (FR/R0029)

    Freshwater Pollution: Ecological Impact Assessment and Remediation (FR/R0029)

    Pollutants can impact organisms either directly by depleting oxygen levels for example, or indirectly by altering the ecosystem in which they live. This Review deals with: – Impacts of common pollutants on aquatic ecosystems – Methods used to assess the ecological impacts of pollution – Remediation by physical, chemical and ecological methods.

  • Flood Mitigation (FR/R0028)

    Flood Mitigation (FR/R0028)

    In 2011 FWR published a review (ROCK FR/R0015) entitled ’Floods, alleviation, protection, response and risk management’, that was wide ranging and provided a concise description of the main factors which need to be considered regarding flooding. The purpose of this current review is to focus more closely on flood mitigation, including resistance and resilience, accepting…

  • Microplastics in the Freshwater Environment (FR/R0027)

    Microplastics in the Freshwater Environment (FR/R0027)

    With ever-increasing quantities of plastic being manufactured and ending up in the environment, understanding the consequences of this will be critical to ensure the protection of ecosystems and freshwater resources. This review looks at the sources, abundance, transport, behaviour, fate, associations with chemicals, and ecological consequences of microplastics once they reach freshwater systems. There are…