This Review sets out the facts (and perceptions) and aims to clarify some of the most common questions that people have about ‘water reuse’. It explains the differences between the very small scale and very large scale schemes, the differences between reuse to create non-potable and drinking water, the types of technology used, actual and perceptions of risk, how reuse schemes are regulated and risks managed and finally, an explanation of the energy and other resource requirements of reuse and the implications of these on cost.
Published September 2016
The amount of water that is available for water companies to abstract from the environment to put into supply is declining as changing weather patterns disturb traditional water resource systems and environmental regulations reduce unsustainable water abstractions. Increasing demand requires water utilities to explore alternative ways of managing demand and generating water supply. Reusing water is one of a suite of alternatives that are being considered and developed in the UK.
Over the next decade it is likely that water companies in the UK will put more emphasis on investing in reuse schemes and that will involve engaging with customers. It is important then to understand:
- the differences between different types of reuse scheme and how they work;
- the facts regarding safety and human health;
- the relationship between providing reliable water supplies, achieving environmental outcomes, and the economic implications.
This Review of Current Knowledge (ROCK) is aimed at non-technical readers interested in understanding this alternative water supply option. It sets out the facts (and perceptions) and aims to clarify some of the most common questions that people have about ‘water reuse’.
It explains the differences between the very small scale and very large scale schemes, the differences between reuse to create non-potable and drinking water, the types of technology used, actual and perceptions of risk, how reuse schemes are regulated and risks managed and finally, an explanation of the energy and other resource requirements of reuse and the implications of these on cost.
The ROCK is intended to provide a factually correct and unbiased overview. It is not intended to either support or contend the reuse agenda.