Water and sewerage services are taken for granted unless something goes wrong. There are good reasons for knowing more: – personal health may be affected by water contamination in the home, the health of the environment can be affected by what we dispose of down the drain, and leaking pipework may damage the fabric of the building. This guide provides an introduction to: – The suppliers of water and sewerage services and their service standards; – The components of water supply and wastewater drainage systems; – Ownership, legal and environmental responsibilities; – Regulations and guidelines relevant to the installation of water and wastewater pipes and fittings. – Sources of more detailed information are provided where possible.
Revised April 2012 (First published August 2005)
Most homes in the UK are connected to public water supplies and sewerage systems. Safe water supplies and good sanitation are the basic requirements for our health and that of the environment. Water and sewerage services depend on pipes that are buried, or hidden within the fabric of buildings, so they are taken for granted unless something goes wrong. We often demonstrate a lack of knowledge about the providers of water services, where their responsibilities end and where the responsibilities of householders start. How often do we hear reference to the ‘Water Board’, when such organisations ceased to exist in 1974?
There are good reasons for knowing more: – personal health may be affected by water contamination in the home, the health of the environment can be affected by what we dispose of down the drain, and leaking pipework may damage the fabric of the building.
This guide provides an introduction to:
- The suppliers of water and sewerage services and their service standards;
- The components of water supply and wastewater drainage systems;
- Ownership, legal and environmental responsibilities;
- Regulations and guidelines relevant to the installation of water and wastewater pipes and fittings.
The guide covers the supply of water to domestic premises, the disposal of wastewater from these premises via sewers or other means such as septic tanks, and the drainage of rainwater. It is presented in three sections. The first describes the organisations that perform functions related to water supply and wastewater disposal and the different charging schemes for services to households. The second and third sections describe water supply and sewerage systems respectively. Sources of more detailed information are provided where possible.