Document Author: Dr W R White
Flood Mitigation (FR/R0028)
In 2011 FWR published a review (ROCK FR/R0015) entitled ’Floods, alleviation, protection, response and risk management’, that was wide ranging and provided a concise description of the main factors which need to be considered regarding flooding. The purpose of this current review is to focus more closely on flood mitigation, including resistance and resilience, accepting…
Climate Change – The Fundamentals (FR/R0026)
The subjects of climate and climate change are enormous and embrace many scientific disciplines. This review seeks to deal solely with the scientific evidence and is based heavily on the work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The review sifts some of the more important fundamental issues and provides a bibliography for those…
The Role of Water in the Production of Energy (FR/R0016)
This review is concerned with the role of water as one of the many sources of energy. Other major sources include solid fuels, oil, natural gas, nuclear, biofuels and waste, together with smaller contributions from geothermal, solar, wind and heat. Hydropower, power from water, makes a relatively small contribution towards the overall provision of worldwide…
Sediments in the Fresh Water Environment (FR/R0022)
This review of current knowledge (ROCK) is concerned with the movement of sediments in the freshwater environment, an important subject but a very complex one. The ROCK provides an outline of the subject and a description of some of the principles used in the analysis of the many complex processes. However, for details of the…
The Measurement of Free Surface Flows (FR/R0018)
Hydrometry embraces the measurement of all the elements in the hydrological cycle including surface water flows, groundwater movement and associated phenomenon such as sediment movement and morphology. This ROCK concentrates on a major element within hydrometry, namely the measurement of free surface flows. It does not cover flows in closed conduits and pipes although some…
Floods: Alleviation, Protection, Response and Risk Management (FR/R0015)
Flooding is the most widespread of all natural hazards, often arising from adverse meteorological conditions such as: – intense or prolonged rainfall in river catchments – storm surges at the coast and in estuaries – storm-generated waves at the coast. The main factors which need to be considered regarding flooding include technical, social and governmental…
World Water: Resources, Usage and the Role of Man-Made Reservoirs (FR/R0012)
This review addresses man-made reservoirs that provide water storage and other benefits such as hydroelectric power, flood control and navigation. In many areas the life span of reservoirs is determined by the rate of sedimentation, which gradually reduces storage capacity and eventually destroys the ability to provide water and power. This review considers overall water…